Your appearance can be significantly changed by changing the color of your brows. Contrasting brows can give you a bold, mystic air; darker brows can look bigger and thicker; and brows that are close in color to your hair can give you a natural and balanced look. While coloring your brows is a very easy process, it might be risky to use dye so close to your eyes and on the delicate skin around your eyes. Can you dye your eyebrows? Make sure you carefully follow all directions, and if in doubt, seek professional advice.
Table of Contents
How To Dye Your Eyebrows?
Choose Dye
It could be argued to be the most crucial step in this procedure. There are many brown coloring kits available that should be used in conjunction with the actual dyes, pigments, and developers to create your coloring. Because the formula of this product has been used safely on the face, unlike hair dye, which is obviously not the case, beard hair dye is also becoming a more and more popular option. (here is one you can find on Joey Healy, an expert on eyebrows, advises looking for plant-based dyes, especially if you have sensitive skin, and cautions that you should carefully review the product’s ingredients.
It goes without saying that you should perform a patch test before using it on your eyebrows, preferably behind your ears or on the inside of your wrists, to ensure that you won’t experience any adverse reactions.
Get Brows Ready
Since most dyes are not soluble in oil, marking the area you want to clean is a good idea. Once more, only experts have mastered this ability (it’s much harder than it seems!), Therefore, perfecting the shape of your brows may require some practice.
Apply A Thick Layer Of Eyebrow Dye To Eyebrows
The eyebrow dyeing kit comes with an applicator, but you can also use a cotton swab or a clean spool stick. Try to apply eye shadow from the inside of the eyebrows (the side closest to the nose), and then apply eye shadow from the side with thinner eyebrows.
Be sure to apply the dye to the root of the eyebrow, and then cover the whole eyebrow evenly.
Cover one eyebrow completely, and then make the other eyebrow. Make sure you only apply the dye to your eyebrows!
You’d better not touch your skin, because it will temporarily pollute your skin. If your skin is stained with dye, immediately rub lotion or vaseline onto the dye, and then wipe it clean with a paper towel.

Wait 3-5 Minutes & Clean The Dye
Wait 3-5 minutes & clean the dye with a pointed cotton swab. Brands usually recommend dyeing within 10-15 minutes, but the shorter the time of each dyeing, the better the control of the final color. If your eyebrows are thick and black, add 5 minutes. For thin eyebrows, keep increasing for 3 minutes.
Use a cotton swab dipped in warm water to wipe off any ointment that remains on the skin rather than on the hair, or clean up areas on the skin that may be stained black. If warm water doesn’t work, you can use a little facial tonic to clean it.
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Wipe The Dye Off Your Eyebrows
Wipe the dye off your eyebrows with a dry cotton pad. Close your eyes and avoid dye entering your eyes. Smooth the eyebrows and observe the color. If there is no staining, repeat for another 3-5 minutes.
Do not use dyes more than 2 – 3 times, because you may dry or damage your skin. If you want to dye your eyebrows deeper, wait 48 hours.
When you reach the desired color, remove the dye with a dry cotton pad. Then wipe the eyebrows with a cotton pad stained with dye remover and stop the dyeing process. Rinse or wipe your forehead with warm water.
Check Your Eyebrows In The Mirror
Check your eyebrows in the mirror to see if there is anything missing. You may want to use a magnifying glass so that you can easily see your eyebrows. Dip a cotton swab with dye and deal with the missing spots
Use tweezers or wax to trim the eyebrows to the shape you want. It is important not to use tweezers before dyeing eyebrows, as this will cause irritation and infection.
Don’t Be Nervous If The Color Is Not What You Want.
Hair dyes usually begin to fade after a week, so the color will not be so strong. If you can’t wait a week, brush a drop of cleaning shampoo on your eyebrows with a clean toothbrush or brush. Let it stand for 60 seconds, and then rinse the eyebrows. Cleaning shampoo can remove grease and dyes from the eyebrows.
If you find dye on the skin under the eyebrows, use oily or silicone makeup remover on the cotton pad and gently wipe the eyebrows. If there is dye on your skin, it should be displayed on the cotton pad. After the eyebrows are dry, you should reduce the color of the eyebrows by about 1 degree.
You can also use baking soda and your usual shampoo in a ratio of 1:1 to make a cream. Put it on your eyebrows with a clean brush and let it stand for a few minutes. This may take several attempts, but it should soften the color of your eyebrows.
How To Choose The Ideal Color?
Professionals are the best because they know how to match your eyebrows without going overboard. Healy countered, however, that you might as well pick a lighter if you are going to be making some assumptions and testing them. Buy medium brown brows if you want dark brown ones instead. Make a light brown if your intention is to create a medium brown, he advised. Remember: you can always pile it higher, but a poor dyeing job is hard to fix. The timing of packaging is also important to consider, Healy advised: “You definitely don’t want to buy things that are processed too quickly and cause your hair to turn too dark.”
How To Change Your Eyebrow Color?
You can easily and amusingly alter the appearance of your brows by applying eyebrow mascara. Blondes, brunettes, and redheads can wear natural colors or daring hues like blue, red, and purple. Apply an eyelash primer or setting powder to your brows before applying mascara to help the pigment adhere to them better and make the color look brighter and more realistic.
An additional excellent method for shaping and coloring your brows is with makeup. With an angled brush, apply eyeshadow or brow powder to your eyebrows to darken them all over and fill in any sparse spots.
Apply concealer or a light foundation directly to your brows to lighten dark brows. Concealer can be used alone, or a dark gold brow pencil or powder can be used to fill in the brows.
Your best option is to see a professional if you’re certain that you want to dye your brows. Expert beauticians are aware of the safe products to use around the eyebrows. Typically, the dye is delicately applied to the brow with a cotton swab and covered with plastic to prevent dripping into the area around the eyes. In order to prevent any negative effects, make sure to run the patch test and use no more than 10 volumes of a developer.
The procedure of dying your own eyebrows is essentially painless; the key is to go slowly and steadily, and any mistakes will likely go away in a few days anyhow. Will your outcomes be the same as those of a salon-grade tint? Most likely not. However, it will suffice if you suddenly feel the urge to DIY or don’t have the time to get to an appointment.